2010-03-04 - New Toy Test


~5 miles @ ~9.2 min/mi

After much dithering in recent weeks I finally decide to follow the example of friends and buy a wrist GPS unit. The Garmin Forerunner 205, an old model, seems to have the right mix of features and low cost. It arrives on Wednesday and when I get home with an hour to spare before sundown on Thursday it's time to try it out! The "classic" course that I had long estimated as about 5 miles turns out to be extremely close to that, according to satellite navigation (from home via Seminary and Linden to Ireland to Rock Creek Trail, downstream to East-West Hwy, then back via Jones Mill and Coquelin to the Capital Crescent Trail, thence home). Auto-splits are fun; GPS pace estimation seems to fluctuate a lot, especially near corners.

^z - 2010-03-10